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Cell cycle regulation

Structure-function analysis of the centromere-kinetochore complex

Kinetochore-microtubule interactions

Crosstalk between Pre-RC and centromere-associated proteins 

Genome indexing by histone variants

Epigenetic regulation of CENPA centromeric chromatin

CENPA-less centromeric chromatin

CUG-Ser1-clade-specific histone H3 variant

Sequence and structural assembly of fungal genomes

Comparative and functional genomics of fungal pathogens

Three-dimensional genome assembly

Model Systems


Malassezia furfur

Malassezia sympodialis

Malassezia globosa

Cryptococcus neoformans

Cryptococcus deneoformans

Cryptococcus gattii

Cryptococcus amylolentus

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Home: Lab Members


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Kaustuv Sanyal

J C Bose National Fellow

Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology

Chair & Professor

Molecular Biology & Genetics Unit


Visiting Professor, Osaka University

PhD:  Bose Institute ;  Mentor: Prof. Pratima Sinha

Postdoc: UC, Santa Barbara;  Mentor: Prof. John Carbon

Home: Lab Members

Aswathy Narayanan

JNC Research Associate


Md. Hashim Reza

DBT Research Associate


Dileep Pullepu

ICMR Research Associate


Banishree Sahoo

TRC Research Associate


P V S Satya Dev

Research Associate

Rashi Aggarwal

Graduate Student


Kuladeep Das

Graduate Student


Srijana Dutta

Graduate Student


Rohit Goyal

Graduate Student


Shreekrishna Bhat

Graduate Student


Amrutha A S

Graduate Student


Pooja Joshi

Graduate Student


Nidhi Ray

Graduate Student


Sahana Ravi

Administrative Assistant

Nagaraj C

Lab Assistant



PhD Students 

2011      Jitendra Thakur (Assistant Professor, Emory University)

2012     Babhrubahan Roy (Ajit Joglekar Lab, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)

2014     Sreyoshi Mitra  (Tchasovnikarova Lab, Gurdon Institute, Cambridge)

2014     Gautam Chatterjee (Assistant Professor, Vivekananda University)

2014     Laxmi Shanker Rai (Christophe d’Enfert Lab, Pasteur Institute, Paris)

2017      Vikas Yadav (Joe Heitman Lab, Duke University)

2018     Neha Varshney (Arshad Desai Lab, University of California, San Diego) 

2019     Lakshmi Sreekumar (Julia Cooper Lab, University of Colorado, Denver)

2020    Shreyas Sridhar (Tatsuo Fukagawa Lab, Osaka University, Osaka)

2020    Sundar Ram Sankaranarayanan (Ines Drinnenberg Lab, Curie Institute, Paris)

2020    Krishnendu Guin (Tom Misteli Lab, NCI, National Institutes of Health)

2020    Rima Singha (Jules Ene Lab, Pasteur Institute, Paris)

2021      Priya Jaitly (Robert Arkowitz Lab, iBV, Nice)

2022     Priya Brahma 

2023     PVS Satya Dev  (thesis submitted)


MS Students

2012    Sivani Vempati

2012    Vikas Yadav

2012    Lakshmi Sreekumar

2013    Shreyas Sridhar

2013    Sundar Ram S

2015    Priya Jaitly

2016    Jigyasa Verma

2016    Aditi Batra

2017    P V S Satya Dev

2018    Bornika Roy

2019    Kuladeep Das

2019    Rashi Aggarwal

2020   Padmalaya

2021    Srijana Dutta

2021    Rohit Goyal

2022   Harshit Arya


Postdoctoral Fellows 

2008–13  Uttara Chakraborty,  Assistant Professor, Manipal Institute of Regenerative Medicine, Bangalore, India

2009–10  Deepti Jain, Scientist, Lexagene, Boston, MA, USA

2011–13    Abhishek Baghela, Associate Researcher, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Orléans, Centre-Val de Loire, France

2012–15   Arti Dumbrepatil, Science Writer, Durham, NC, USA

2016-22  Shweta Panchal, Associate Professor, Vellore Institute of Technology, TN, India


Project Fellows 

2005-06     Shlini

2006–06     Shweta

2006-07      Museer Ahmed Lone

2006-08      Sreedevi Padmanabhan

2007-08      Jinal Shukla

2008–08     Rituparna Mondal

2008–11        Yogitha Thattikota

2008-10       Vikram Naik

2009–10      Ramesh Gadi

2011-13          Tanmoy Chakraborty

2012-12         Hima Bindu

2013-15         Asif Bakshi

2014-15         Parijat Bandhopadhyay

2017–17         Priti Rai

2015–17        Radha Mishra

2017–19        Abhijit Das

2017–18        Bhagya C T

2018–19        Promit Ganguly

2019-21         Tejas Patel

2020-21        Debadeep Chaudhury

2020-22       Nidhi Ray 


Undergraduate Students 

 POBE Students

2007-08   Deepti Ramachandran

2010-11      Vishram Terse

2011-12      Hemanta Sarmah

2015–16    Ninadini Sharma

2018–19    Mohammad Abdus Shakur


IISc Undergraduate Student

2012-13     Madwesh


Summer Students

2006      Achira Roy

2006      Jinal Shukla

2006      Sreedevi Padmanabhan

2007      Anuja C

2009      Shipra Grover

2010      Shipra Grover

2013      Lavanya Balakrishnan

2014      Jyothsna Rameshkumar

2014      Devika C Namboodiri

2015      Dipasree Hajra

2015      Bhavya Revathy

2016      Upasana Basu

2016      Chitra Joshi

2017      Kajal Sandhu

2018      Arkaprabha Adhikary

2019      Deepak M. Kushalani


Short-term Visitors

Aditya Singh Pratihar (Purvanchal University, India)

Jonathan Gomez Raja (Universidad de Extremadura, Spain) 

Priya (IIT-Bombay, India)

Aakansha (IIT-Bombay)

Sabyasachi Sutradhar (IACS, India)

Song Hyungnam  (KRIBB, Korea)


Visiting Scientists

2008     Dharanidhar Dubey (Professor, Purvanchal University, India)

2009     Dharanidhar Dubey (Professor, Purvanchal University, India)

2010      Indrani Bose (Associate Professor, Western Carolina University, USA)

2013      Euijeon Woo (Professor, KRIBB, Korea)

2018      Bharati Prakash (Assistant Professor, University College-Mangalore, India)

Home: Publications


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  1. Coelho MA, Ianiri G, David-Palma M, Theelen B, Goyal R, Narayanan A, Lorch JM, Sanyal K, Boekhout T, Heitman J (2023) Frequent transitions in mating-type locus chromosomal organization in Malassezia and early steps in sexual reproduction. PNAS PDF 

  2. Singha R, Aggarwal R, Sanyal K* (2023) Negative regulation of biofilm development by the CUG-Ser1 clade-specific histone H3 variant is dependent on the canonical histone chaperone CAF1 complex in Candida albicans. Molecular Microbiology (in press)

  3. Narayanan A^, Kumar P^, Chauhan A, Kumar M, Yadav K, Banerjee A, Sharma RD, Rudramurthy SM, Chakrabarti A, Sanyal K*, Prasad R*  (2022) Directed evolution detects supernumerary centric chromosomes conferring resistance to azoles in Candida auris. mBio PDF  

  4. Jaitly P, Legrand M, Das A, Patel T, Chauvel M, Maufrais C, d’Enfert C*, Sanyal K* (2022) A phylogenetically-restricted essential cell cycle progression factor in the human pathogen Candida albicans. Nature Communications  PDF     Recommended by F1000  

  5. Narayanan A*, Selvakumar P, Siddharthan R, Sanyal K* (2022) ClaID: A rapid method of clade-level identification of the multidrug-resistant human fungal pathogen Candida auris. Microbiology Spectrum PDF

  6. Panchal S*, Sanyal K* (2022) Loss of nucleosome assembly protein 1 affects growth and appressorium structure in blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. microPublication Biology PDF

  7. Rudramurthy S, Kashyap N, Bhattacharya S, Soman R, Shankarnarayan S, Chavan D, Singh S, Das P, Kaur H, Ghosh A, Prasad S, Sanyal K, and Chakrabarti A (2022) Impact of FKS1 genotype on echinocandin in-vitro susceptibility in Candida auris and in-vivo response in a murine model of infection. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy PDF

  8. Mehta G, Sanyal K, Abhishek S, Rajakumara E, Ghosh SK (2022) Minichromosome maintenance proteins in eukaryotic chromosome segregation. BioEssays PDF

  9. Padmanabhan S, Sanyal K*Dubey DD* (2021) Identification and in silico analysis of the origin recognition complex in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. microPublication Biology PDF

  10. Sane A, Sridhar S, Sanyal KGhosh SK (2021) Shugoshin ensures maintenance of the spindle assembly checkpoint response and efficient spindle disassembly. Molecular Microbiology PDF

  11. Chatterjee S, Som S, Varshney N, Satyadev PVS, Sanyal K, Paul R (2021) Mechanics of microtubule organizing center clustering and spindle positioning in budding yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. Physical Review E PDF

  12. Reza H*, Patkar R*, Sanyal K* (2021) Vacuolar transporter Mnr2 safeguards organellar integrity in aged cells. Molecular Microbiology PDF

  13. Narayanan A, Vadnala RN, Ganguly P, Selvakumar P, Rudramurthy SM, Prasad R, Chakrabarti A, Siddharthan R, Sanyal K* (2021) Functional and comparative analysis of centromeres reveals clade-specific rearrangements in Candida auris and a chromosome number change in related species. mBio. PDF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Commentary I Stable Positions of Epigenetically Inherited Centromeres in the Emerging Fungal Pathogen Candida auris and Its Relatives. mBio. PDF  Commentary I The curious case of nonrepetitive centromeric DNA sequences in Candida auris and related species . mBio. PDF

  14. Sreekumar L, Kumari K, Guin K, Bakshi A, Varshney N, Thimmappa BC, Narlikar L, Padinhateeri R, Siddharthan R, Sanyal K* (2021) Orc4  spatiotemporally stabilizes centromeric chromatin. Genome Research. PDF

  15. Sridhar S, Hori T, Nakagawa R, Fukagawa T*, Sanyal K* (2021) Bridgin connects the outer kinetochore to centromeric chromatin. Nature Communications. PDF  Recommended by F1000  

  16. Guin K^*, Sreekumar L^*, Sanyal K* (2020) Implications of the evolutionary trajectory of centromeres in the fungal kingdom. Annual Review of Microbiology.  PDF; Invited Review

  17. Guin K, Chen Y, Mishra R, Siti R, Thimmappa BC, O'Brien C, Butler G, Sanyal A*, Sanyal K* (2020) Spatial inter-centromeric interactions facilitated the emergence of evolutionary new centromeres. eLIFE.  PDF  Recommended by F1000  

  18. Fang YF, Coelho MA, Sue H, Schotanus K, Thimmappa BC, ...., Sanyal K, Dong S, Nowrousian M, Heitman J  (2020) Long transposon-rich centromeres in an oomycete reveal divergence of centromere features in Stramenopila-Alveolata-Rhizaria lineages. PLOS GeneticsPDF

  19. Sankaranarayanan SR, Ianiri G, Coelho M, Reza H, Thimmappa BC, Ganguly P, Vadnala RN, Sun S, Siddharthan R, Tellgren-Roth C, Dawson TL, Heitman J*, Sanyal K* (2020) Loss of centromere function drives karyotype evolution in closely related Malassezia species. eLIFEPDF                                                      eLife digest The yeast that re-organized its centromeres 

  20. Navarro-Mendoza M, Perez-Arques C, Panchal S, Nicolas FE, Mondo SJ, Ganguly P, Pangilinan J, Grigoriev IV, Heitman J*, Sanyal K* and Garre V* (2019) Early diverging fungus Mucor circinelloides lacks centromeric histone CENP-A and displays a mosaic of point and regional centromeres. Current BiologyPDF Recommended by F1000  ;   Commentary I  Evolution: A mosaic-type centromere in an early diverging fungus. Current Biology. PDF

  21. Rai LS, Singha R, Sanchez H, Chakraborty T, Chand B, Bachellier-Bassi S, Chowdhury S, d’Enfert C, Andes DR, Sanyal K* (2019) The Candida albicans biofilm gene circuit modulated at the chromatin level by a recent molecular histone innovation, PLOS Biology.  PDF  Recommended by F1000  

  22. Yadav V^, Yang F^, Reza H, Liu S, Valent B, Sanyal K*, Naqvi NI* (2019) Cellular dynamics and genomic identity of centromeres in cereal blast fungus, mBIO. PDF

  23. Prasad P, Sanyal K, Ghosh SK (2019) Sth1, the key subunit of the RSC chromatin remodeling complex, is essential in maintaining chromosomal integrity and mediating high fidelity chromosome segregation in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans, Frontiers in Microbiology.   PDF

  24. Varshney N*, Sanyal K* (2019) Nuclear migration in budding yeasts: position before division, Current Genetics.  PDF; Invited Review

  25. Sreekumar L, Jaitly P, Chen Y, Thimmappa BC, Sanyal A, Sanyal K* (2019) Cis and trans chromosomal interactions define pericentric boundaries in the absence of conventional heterochromatin, Genetics.  PDF

  26. Suneet K^, Sridhar S^, Agiwal P, Sridhar MS, Sanyal K, Jain S (2019) Magnetic hyperthermia adjunctive therapy for fungi: in vitro studies against Candida albicans, International Journal of Hyperthermia.  PDF

  27. Varshney N, Sanyal K* (2019) Aurora kinase Ipl1 facilitates bilobed distribution of clustered kinetochores to ensure error‐free chromosome segregation in Candida albicans, Molecular Microbiology. PDF

  28. Legrand M, Jaitly P, Feri A, d’Enfert C*, Sanyal K* (2019) Candida albicans: an emerging yeast model to study eukaryotic genome plasticity, Trends in Genetics. PDFInvited Review

  29. Varshney N, Som S^, Chatterjee S^, Sridhar S, Bhattacharyya D, Paul R*, Sanyal K* (2019) Spatio-temporal regulation of nuclear division by Aurora B kinase Ipl1 in Cryptococcus neoformans, PLOS Genetics. PDF

  30. Kakade P, Mahadik K, Balaji KN, Sanyal K, Nagaraja V (2019) Two negative regulators of biofilm development exhibit functional divergence in conferring virulence potential to Candida albicans, FEMS Yeast Research. PDF

  31. Hoque J, Yadav V, Prakash RG, Sanyal K, Haldar J (2018) Dual-Function Polymer–Silver Nanocomposites for Rapid Killing of Microbes and Inhibiting Biofilms, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. PDF

  32. Yadav V, Sreekumar L, Guin K, Sanyal K* (2018) Five pillars of centromeric chromatin in fungal pathogens, PLOS Pathogens. PDF Invited Review

  33. Yadav V*, Sanyal K* (2018) Sad1 spatiotemporally regulates kinetochore clustering to ensure high-fidelity chromosome segregation in the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans, mSphere.  PDF

  34. Yadav V, Sun S, Billmyre RB, Thimmappa BC, Shea T, Lintner R, Bakkeren G, Cuomo CA, Heitman J, Sanyal K* (2018) RNAi is a critical determinant of centromere evolution in closely related fungi, PNAS. PDF

  35. Rai LS, Singha R, Brahma P, Sanyal K*. (2018) Epigenetic determinants of phenotypic plasticity in Candida albicans, Fungal Biology Reviews. PDF;  Invited Review

  36. Sun S, Yadav V, Billmyre RB, Cuomo CA, Nowrousian M, Wang L, Souciet JL, Boekhout T, Porcel B, Wincker P, Granek JA, Sanyal K, Heitman J. (2017) Fungal genome and mating system transitions facilitated by chromosomal translocations involving intercentromeric recombination, PLOS Biology. PDF

  37. Altamirano S, Fang D, Simmons C, Sridhar S, Wu P, Sanyal K, Kozubowski L. (2017) Fluconazole-induced ploidy change in Cryptococcus neoformans results from the uncoupling of cell growth and nuclear division, mSphere. PDFRecommended by F1000  

  38. Ghosh C, Yadav V, Younis W, Mohammad H, Hegazy YA, Seleem MN, Sanyal K, Haldar J. (2017) Aryl-alkyl-lysines: membrane-active fungicides that act against biofilms of Candida albicans, ACS Infectious Diseases. PDF

  39. Zhu Y, Engström PG, Tellgren-Roth C, Baudo CD, Kennell JC, Sun S, Billmyre RB, Schröder MS, Sankaranarayanan SR, Sanyal K, Andersson A, Holm T, Sigurgeirsson B. (2017) Proteogenomics produces comprehensive and highly accurate protein-coding gene annotation in a complete genome assembly of Malassezia sympodialis. Nucleic Acids Research. PDF

  40. Hoque J, Adhikary U, Yadav V, Samaddar S, Konai MM, Prakash RG, Paramanandham K, Shome BR, Sanyal K, Haldar J. (2016) Chitosan derivatives active against multidrug-resistant bacteria and pathogenic fungi: in vivo evaluation as topical antimicrobials, Molecular Pharmaceutics. PDF

  41. Datta A^, Yadav V^, Ghosh A, Choi J, Bhattacharyya D, Kar RK, Ilyas H, Dutta A, An E, Mukhopadhyay J, Sanyal K, Lee D, Ramamoorthy, A Bhunia A (2016) Mode of action of a designed antimicrobial peptide: high potency against Cryptococcus neoformans, Biophysical Journal. PDF

  42. Kakade P, Sadhale P, Sanyal K, Nagaraja V. (2016) ZCF32, a fungus-specific Zn (II) 2 Cys6 transcription factor, is a repressor of the biofilm development in the human pathogen Candida albicans, Scientific Reports. PDF

  43. Chatterjee G, Sankaranarayanan SR, Guin K, Thattikota Y, Padmanabhan S, Siddharthan R, Sanyal K* (2016) Repeat-associated fission yeast-like regional centromeres in the ascomycetous budding yeast Candida tropicalis, PLOS Genetics. PDF

  44. Mitra S, Rai LS, Chatterjee G, Sanyal K* (2016) Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay in Candida albicans, Methods in Molecular Biology.  PDF

  45. Suryanarayanan TS, Gopal V, Sahal D and Sanyal K (2015) Establishing a national fungal genetic resource to enhance the bioeconomy, Current Science. PDF

  46. Sutradhar S^ Yadav V^, Sridhar S^, Sreekumar L, Bhattacharyya D, Ghosh SK, Paul R* and Sanyal K* (2015) A comprehensive model to predict mitotic division in budding yeasts, Molecular Biology of the Cell. PDF 

  47. KT Nishant* and Sanyal K* (2015) The good, the bad and the ugly: How to protect genome stability from potential threats, Bioessays. PDF Meeting Highlights

  48. Varshney N^, Schakel A^, Singha R, Chakraborty T, Wijlick LV, Ernst JF* and Sanyal K* (2015),  A surprising role for the Sch9 protein kinase in chromosome segregation in Candida albicans, Genetics PDF

  49. Hoque J, Akkapeddi P, Yadav V, Manjunath GB, Uppu DSSM, Konai MM, Yarlagadda V, Sanyal K and Haldar J (2015) Broad-spectrum antibacterial and antifungal polymeric paint materials: synthesis, structure-activity relationship and membrane-active mode of action, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.   PDF

  50. Mitra S, Gomez-Raja J, Larriba G, Dubey DD and Sanyal K* (2014) Rad51-Rad52 mediated maintenance of centromeric chromatin in Candida albicans, PLOS Genetics. PDF

  51. Janbon G, Ormerod KL, Paulet D, Byrnes III EJ, Yadav V, Chatterjee G, (+41 authors), Sanyal K, Heitman J, Fraser JA, Cuomo CA and Dietrich FS (2014) Analysis of the genome and transcriptome of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii reveals complex RNA expression and microevolution leading to virulence attenuation, PLOS Genetics. PDF; Recommended by F1000  

  52. Kozubowski L^, Yadav V^, Chatterjee G, Sridhar S, Yamaguchi M, Kawamoto S, Bose I, Heitman J and Sanyal K* (2013) Ordered kinetochore assembly in the human fungal pathogen basidiomycetous yeast Cryptococcus neoformans, mBIO. PDF

  53. Chakraborty U, Mohamed A, Kakade P, Mugasimangalam R, Sadhale PP and Sanyal K* (2013) A stable hybrid containing haploid genomes of two obligate diploid Candida species, Eukaryotic Cell.   PDF

  54. Thakur J and Sanyal K* (2013) Efficient neocentromere formation is suppressed by gene conversion to maintain centromere function at native physical chromosomal loci in Candida albicans, Genome Research. PDF

  55. Roy B, Varshney N, Yadav V and Sanyal K* (2013) The process of kinetochore assembly in yeasts, FEMS Microbiology Letters. PDF  Invited Review

  56. Thakur J and Sanyal K* (2012) A coordinated interdependent protein circuitry stabilizes the kinetochore ensemble to protect CENP-A in the human pathogenic yeast Candida albicans, PLOS Genetics. PDF

  57. Sanyal K* (2012) How do microbial pathogens make CENs?, PLOS Pathogens. PDF Invited Review

  58. Laha S, Das SP, Hajra S, Sanyal K and Sinha P (2011) Functional characterization of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein Chl1 reveals the role of sister chromatid cohesion in the maintenance of spindle length during S-phase arrest, BMC Genetics. PDF

  59. Roy B and Sanyal K* (2011) Diversity in Requirement of Genetic and Epigenetic Factors for Centromere Function in Fungi, Eukaryotic Cell. PDF  Invited Review

  60. Thakur J and Sanyal K* (2011) The essentiality of the fungus specific Dam1 complex is correlated with one kinetochore one microtubule interaction present throughout the cell cycle, independent of the nature of a centromere, Eukaryotic Cell. PDF

  61. Roy B, Burrack LS, Lone MA, Berman J and Sanyal K* (2011) CaMtw1, a member of the evolutionarily conserved Mis12 kinetochore protein family, is required for efficient inner kinetochore assembly in the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans, Molecular Microbiology. PDF

  62. Padmanabhan S^, Thakur J^, Siddharthan R and Sanyal K* (2008) Rapid evolution of Cse4p-rich centromeric DNA sequences in closely-related pathogenic yeasts, Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis, PNAS.  PDF  Recommended by F1000  

  63. Baum M^, Sanyal K^, Mishra PK, Thaler N and Carbon J (2006) Formation of functional centromeric chromatin is specified epigenetically in Candida albicans, PNAS.  PDFRecommended by F1000   

  64. Sanyal K, Baum M and Carbon J (2004) Centromeric DNA sequences in the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans are all different and unique, PNAS.  PDF

  65. Sanyal K and Carbon J (2002) The CENP-A homolog CaCse4p in the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans in a centromere protein essential for chromosomes transmission, PNAS. PDF

  66. Ghosh SK, Poddar A, Hajra S, Sanyal K and Sinha P (2001) The IML3/MCM19 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for a kinetochore-related process during chromosome segregation, Molecular Genetics and Genomics.   PDF

  67. Sanyal K, Ghosh SK and Sinha P (1998) The MCM16 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for chromosome segregation, Molecular and General Genetics.  PDF                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ^ Equally contributed;  *Corresponding author​


US Patent

Sanyal K, Padmanabhan S, Thakur J (2014) Polynucleotide sequences of Candida dubliniensis and probes for its detection.  


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Student Awards


  • Sundar Ram S, EMBO Long-term postdoctoral fellowship

  • Neha Varshney, NASI Young Scientist Award


  • Krishnendu Guin, CNR Rao Medal for Best Thesis in Biological Sciences


  • Vikas Yadav, INSA Medal for Young Scientists

  • Vikas Yadav, NASI Young Scientist Award

  • Neha Varshney, Research Associate fellowship from CSIR

  • Shreyas Sridhar, EMBO travel grant to attend “ Chromosome segregation and Aneuploidy meeting” at Cascais, Portugal.

  • Md. Hashim Reza, travel fellowship from SERB to attend “30th Fungal Genetics Conference”  at Pacific Grove, California, USA

  • Md. Hashim Reza, DBT-CTEP travel Grant to attend “The 8th International Rice Blast Conference” held at Chengdu, China


  • Jitendra Thakur,  INSA Medal for Young Scientists

  • Neha Varshney,   PLOS Genetics Best Poster Award in Chromosome Stability 2018 in Bangalore

  • Krishnendu Guin,  PLOS Genetics Best Poster Award in Chromosome Stability 2018 in Bangalore

  • Lakshmi Sreekumar,  PLOS Genetics Best Poster Award in Chromosome Stability 2018 in Bangalore.


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Organization of SPB (Alp6-mCherry), kinetochores (GFP-CenpA) and microtubules (GFP-TubA) during mitosis in M. oryzae

Live‐cell time‐lapse imaging of CaMtw1–GFP in hyphal cells of Candida albicans.


Live‐cell time‐lapse imaging of CaMtw1–GFP in yeast cells of Candida albicans.


Contact Us

Kaustuv Sanyal, PhD
Molecular Mycology Laboratory
Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
Rachenahalli Lake Road, Jakkur,
Bengaluru, Karnataka-560064
Telephone: +91 80-2208-2898 (lab I), +91 80-2208-2704 (lab II), +91 80 2208 2878 (office)

Nuclear migration in the wild-type and Ipl1-depleted cells of C. neoformans. The nucleus is visualized by GFP-tagged histone H4. Images were acquired every 60 s with confocal microscopy.


MTOC clustering and nuclear migration in the wild-type and ipl1 mutant with the effect of biased cortical interaction of C. neoformans

Kinetochores decluster momentarily but arrange randomly on the spindle axis before sister kinetochore separation during anaphase in M. oryzae.


©2019 by Molecular Mycology Laboratory 

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